Primary Areas of Focus:


The water distribution system for the City of Central Point is comprised of 546,609 feet of water mains, 6,789 service connections, 947 fire hydrants and 2,573 valves, etc. Parts of the system have been in place since the early 1900s. Preventative maintenance for all water system appurtenances is done according to a schedule that meets or exceeds American Water Works Association (AWWA) recommended standards. City staff performs repairs and unscheduled maintenance as needed.

Water Storage
The City has 3 water reservoirs with a total of 5.5 million gallons of storage capacity for emergency and firefighting needs. All reservoirs undergo regular cleanings and inspections.

Hydrant Maintenance
All fire hydrants in the City are maintained by City staff on a regular basis. Hydrants are exercised, flushed and proper operation is confirmed. Any deficiencies are addressed in a timely manner. A record of maintenance and flow tests is kept for each hydrant.

Meter Reading and Maintenance
The City of Central Point has replaced all manually read meters with Smart Meters. These meters use cellular towers to automatically send readings on a daily basis. Not only does this free up crews to maintain the water system, but it also allows residents to see current usage on the website, create alerts for water conservation, and also can help detect leaks much faster. City crews inspect and test meters periodically to ensure accuracy and function using the American Water Works Association standards.

Regulatory Compliance
The quality and safety of your water is our number one priority. The City purchases water from Medford Water Commission and redistributes it to the residents. We do not add anything to the water between MWC and your tap, but we are required by law to sample the water for many contaminates such as bacteria, lead & copper, asbestos, chlorine residual, PH, disinfection by-products and other unregulated contaminants on a regular basis. Samples are collected at multiple sites throughout the city and processed at a certified testing lab.

Cross Connection and Backflow Compliance
Backflow is the undesirable reversal of the flow of water into the distribution pipes of the water system. Backflow occurs as a result of a “cross-connection” within the water system, which exists when there is any connection between a potable water system and any other source or system that can contaminate the drinking water. Click the link to learn more.

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Vilas Reservoir pumps
Water main repair
Vilas Reservoir
Fire hydrant maintenance
Fire hydrant
Meter reading cart