
How do I report a spill or an illicit discharge in the City's

stormdrain system or creek?

Remember, what goes down the storm drain goes to the nearest creek or stream and eventally into the Rogue River.  Unfortunately, some people use storm drains to dump hazardous waste which kills fish and pollutes our watershed. If you see someone dumping paint, oil, soap, fertilizer or other waste into a storm drain, report it to our Environmental Service Department.

For Central Point Public Works Department, call Mike Blake 541-664-7602 or Mike Ono 541-423-1030.
For after hours 541-326-3682.
Please remember to leave a contact namd and number so we can call back if we need more information.

Medford Call 541-774-2600

Ashland Call 541-552-2419

Phoenix, Talent, White City and Unincorporated Jackson County Call 541-779-4186



Emergency Notification for Businesses

If a commercial business has a spill, slug discharge, unauthorized discharge, or any other discharge beyond the normal permitted operation, the City must be notified as soon as possible

Business Hours Procedure 

Follow these procedures for discharges occurring between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm Monday through Friday, with the exception of legal holidays:

  • Immediately notify the City, be sure to state that a potential emergency exists.
  • Be ready to give the following information if possible:
    1. Date, time, and location of the spill.
    2. Type, volume and concentration of waste discharged.
    3. What corrective action has been taken if any.
    4. Industrial contact person's name and telephone number

After Hours Procedure

Follow these procedures for discharges occurring after normal business hours, during holidays or on weekends: 

  • Call the afterhours number listed above and let the answering service know that a potential emergency exist, giving them items 1-4 above.  This will ensure that the oncall person is contacted as quickly as possible.