Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch Photo

Neighborhood Watch

The City of Central Point currently has 5 neighborhood watch programs and the potential for many more. Neighborhood Watch programs encourage community members to serve as the "eyes and ears" for their neighborhood. Any suspicious activities seen during involvement in these programs should be reported to the Central Point Police Department.

History from the National Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most well-known crime prevention concepts in history. While the modern day concept of Neighborhood Watch came into prominence in the late 1960s in response to an increasing burglary rate, its roots in America can actually be traced all the way back to the days of Colonial settlements when night watchmen patrolled the streets.
Funding was sought and obtained from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration in 1972, and thus, the National Neighborhood Watch Program was born. The first two years of the program were devoted to disseminating information on the nature and volume of burglary, and providing information on how to secure residential property and make it less vulnerable to break-ins. From there, it evolved to promoting the establishment of ongoing local neighborhood watch groups where citizens could work in conjunction with their law enforcement agencies in an effort to reduce burglaries and other neighborhood crimes.


For more information about starting a Neighborhood Watch in Central Point, contact:

Community Service Officer
155 South 2nd Street
Central Point, OR 97502
(541) 664-5578 x251

National Neighborhood Watch Program information can be found HERE.