Bid/RFP Due Date: 
Tuesday, June 7, 2022 - 2:00pm

Bid/RFP Status: 
Closed - no longer accepting bids and proposals

City of Central Point
Public Works Department

       Residential Backflow Testing       


SEALED PROPOSALS DUE NO LATER THAN 2:00 P.M. PST on Tuesday, June 7, 2022.

The City of Central Point is interested in obtaining written proposals from licensed, certified backflow testers to perform residential backflow testing, maintenance and reporting for approximately 3500 backflow devices in the City of Central Point.

Project Description

The City of Central Point has adopted a program whereby the City of Central Point will contract with licensed, qualified backflow testers for the purpose of conducting annual testing, reporting, maintenance and any necessary re-testing of each residential backflow assembly.                                                                              

Contractor will coordinate scheduling and program implementation with the City. Contractor shall supply all labor, transportation, certified testing equipment, materials and tools necessary to complete the scope of service included in this Request for Proposal (RFP). Contractor must secure and maintain all certification, licenses and insurance as required by the contract.

Backflow Assembly Information

The City’s master list of approximately 3500 assemblies is a detailed list of backflow assemblies that are due for testing and will be provided at the beginning of the contract.  Test results shall be documented by the Contractor via the use of an iPad provided by the City. Due to the amount of time it takes for City staff to enter and track test reports, the City has gone away from paper test reports as part of this contract. Additional new and/or existing assemblies will be added as they are identified through the residential inspection program.

There may be residences that have been identified as having a sprinkler system but not having their backflows tested or located.  The City has an ongoing program of sending out letters to these residents informing them about the backflow inspection program and to call the City for help in locating or inspecting their backflows.  As we get this information it will be added to the testing list.

Customers will remain responsible for providing clear access to the assembly for testing and maintenance; however, minor cleanout of backflow assembly boxes is considered a routine maintenance function by the Contractor, to ensure prompt testing of backflow assemblies.

Confined space entry is not required; however, some assemblies may be difficult to access, and a reasonable attempt to access by the contractor is expected.

Licensing, Certification and Insurance Requirements

Contractors and/or applicable employees shall secure and maintain in good standing through the term of the contract: State of Oregon Backflow Assembly Tester Certification, City of Central Point Business License, Valid Oregon Driver’s License, licensing with the State of Oregon Construction Contractor’s Board and Landscape Contractor’s Board (if applicable) as required by ORS 448.279(2), and any other certifications or licensing that may be required to perform the scope of services herein.

Testing Equipment

Testing equipment that is used for testing shall be tested, calibrated and meet all applicable standards. Contractor shall provide proof of testing and expiration dates to the City within two weeks of renewal.

Contractor shall provide the City upon execution of the Agreement and prior to performing any work, a certificate of insurance meeting the requirements set forth below (Certificate).

(a)  Commercial General Liability with a limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence, with a $2,000,000 annual                 aggregate.

(b)  Workers’ Compensation as required by applicable statutory law.

(c)  Business Automobile Liability with a limit of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence.

All insurance coverages indicated above must be underwritten by insurers licensed to do business in the state in which the Contractor performs its services, and insurers must maintain an A.M. Best Rating of A + or better.

The City of Central Point shall be named as an “Additional Insured” under the Commercial General Liability policy carried by Contractor via Additional Insured Endorsement attached to the Certificate. In addition, the policy shall be endorsed to state that the coverage extended to the City shall be primary and non-contributory with any insurance coverage maintained by the City. The Certificate shall specify that the above policies may not be canceled nor the coverages reduced without providing the City (30) thirty days prior written notice by registered mail.

Renewal Certificates and endorsements must be issued immediately upon renewal of all policies. Certificates should be mailed to the City of Central Point, Attn. Cross-Connection Specialist, 140 S. 3rd Street, Central Point Oregon, 97501.

The fulfilment of the insurance obligations shall not otherwise relieve Contractor of any liability assumed under this Agreement, or in any way modify, or limit Contractors’ obligation to indemnify the City hereunder.

Scope of Services

1.  Labor, Transportation, Equipment, Materials and Tools

Contractor shall supply all labor, transportation, testing equipment, materials and tools necessary to complete the  scope of services in the contact.

Contractor is expected to maintain a reasonable inventory of common maintenance materials and to facilitate      timely maintenance to minimize customer inconvenience

Only qualified contractors with current State of Oregon Backflow Assembly Tester Certification shall perform         testing  and maintenance work.

Contractor shall perform testing work and maintain test gauge equipment in accordance with requirements of OAR 333-061-0070 through 0072.

Contractor is required to have personal identification or business cards to provide customers.

2.  Testing, Maintenance and Re-Test Services Process

(a)  Perform Backflow Assembly Tests

Tests performed by City-certified Backflow Assembly Testers shall be in conformance with procedures                    established by the University of Southern California, Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydraulic          Research, Manual of Cross-Connection Control, 10th Edition, or other equivalent testing procedures approved      by the City.

Perform the routine annual test as per schedule for each backflow assembly identified on the City’s master list,    as well as any additional residential backflow assemblies assigned by the City.

(b) Perform Backflow Assembly Maintenance

Perform maintenance services for all backflow assemblies that fail the routine annual test; if maintenance can      be performed, re-test the assembly after maintenance has been completed.

Maintenance service is intended to include flushing and cleaning, and the replacement of worn parts and faulty    test ports.

Contractor shall make reasonable efforts to maintain an adequate inventory of maintenance materials and      shall minimize costs through wholesale purchasing.

(c)  Install Plugs & Caps

Install approved water-tight plugs or caps in all test cocks for each assembly that does not have plugs or caps        installed.  The City will reimburse contractor for materials at the rates agreed upon per contract.

(d)  Identification Tags

Complete and attach the City of Central Point residential program identification tag with test record information  to each assembly. Tags will be provided by the City.

(e)  Locating Backflow Assemblies

A reasonable and amount of time and effort shall be used to locate the backflow assemblies, between 5-15            minutes.

(f)  Customer service door hangers
When testing cannot be performed a door hanger will be left for the customer describing what needs to be            corrected, scheduled or access gained   for tester to complete the test.  Door hangers will be provided by the        City.           

Backflows that can’t be tested because of location, access, physical blockage or mechanical defects will be listed    and given to the City, so a notice may be sent to the owner for correction and kept on record by City.

(g)  Complete Backflow Assembly Test Reports

As test reports are entered into the City’s asset management system by the Contractor, reports of each test will    be made available to the Contractor by the end of each month.

(h)  Inspection of Work and Follow-up

Contractor shall be subject to periodic work inspections by City staff, which may include observation of                  Contractor’s testing procedures and customer contact activities, gauge and equipment inspection, verification of  current licenses, certification, and insurance coverage, review of site conditions, and interviews with customers    regarding the quality of work.

3. Scheduling, Coordination and Customer Service

(a)  Testing Schedule

The testing and/or maintenance/re-test of residential backflow assemblies identified on the City’s master list will  begin on or about July 1, 2022 and will continue through June 30, 2025. Each assembly on the list will be tested      once per year or as requested by the City. Consideration may be given for special circumstances or weather          conditions that may affect the specified completion dates.

(b)  Additional Assemblies

Additional assemblies will be added periodically throughout the contract period and shall be tested by the end      of each calendar year. 

(c)  Coordination

Contractor shall communicate with customer and coordinate the testing of the backflows to facilitate the                customer when needed.

(d)  Follow-up Response

Contractor shall be available to promptly respond to and resolve customer concerns, complaints, or emergency    situations that may arise regarding workmanship.

(e)  Customer Contacts and Communications

Most assemblies are privately owned and located on private property. Contractor will work with the City to            develop and implement an acceptable customer contact and communications protocol when calls come into        the City for the testing. Contractor availability and coordination with backflow assembly owners for access              and/or interruption of water service is essential. Contractor is required to carry identification card(s) or badge(s)  when working on private property.

The City will provide a magnetic sign for the contractor’s vehicle to display that shall be used at all times when       testing Central Point residential backflows.

(f)  Damages to Private Property

Contractor shall exercise care to avoid damage to plants or landscaping; site cleanup after services are                    performed is essential. Contractor shall be responsible for damages to customer property, including plumbing,    valve boxes, landscape, and/or any consequential damages that may result from the contractor’s work.

(g)  Customer Satisfaction

Contractor is expected to maintain a professional appearance, represent the City’s program in a professional         and courteous manner, and make all reasonable efforts to accommodate customers with the services                     performed.

4.  Measure and Payment

(a)  Payment

Contractor shall submit an invoice on or about the 25th day of each month, detailing the number of tests, the        number of maintenance/re-tests, maintenance materials and plugs/caps installed. The routine annual tests and    maintenance/re-tests shall be compensated at the fixed-rate charge submitted in the proposal. Maintenance        materials shall be itemized and invoiced at cost plus 10%; Contractor shall provide receipts for the cost of parts.

The City will have up to 30 days upon receiving the invoice to make payment to contractor.

(b)  Measurement

Only assemblies with completed test reports submitted will be eligible for payment unless otherwise directed by  a City employee.

RFP Instructions

Submit  the  following  information  in  writing  on  the  attached  Quotation  Cost  Form  by

Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 2:00 PM PST:

  • A fixed cost quotation for each individual Annual Backflow Assembly Test.
  • A fixed cost quotation for each individual backflow assembly Maintenance and Re-Test. [Maintenance materials are compensated separately and should not be included in the Maintenance and Re-Test cost quotation; see Section 2(b).]

Submit the sealed proposal including the Quotation Cost Form by mail or by hand to:

City of Central Point

Attention: Michael McClenathan

140 S. 3rd Street Central Point, OR 97502

Evaluation and Award of Contract

1. Basis of award of contract

The City will review and evaluate all bids based on testing cost and the ability to complete the scope of services required to be completed.

2. Interviews

The City may, at its sole discretion, choose to conduct interviews with contractors prior to awarding a contract.

3. Contract

The service contract is for three (3) years from on or about July 1, 2022 and will   continue through June 30, 2025.            

4. Contact

For additional information regarding this RFP, please direct questions to Michael McClenathan, 541-664-3321 Ext.  272, or write to the address on the front cover.