Urban Growth Boundary Amendment Location & Land Use

UGB Amendment Summary

The City of Central Point expanded its Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) in 2022 to provide land for housing, non-industrial employment, parks and open space. Oregon cities are required to establish a UGB, which designates where a city expects to grow over the next 20 years. Until rural lands in the UGB are annexed into the City they are subject to County rules, regulations and tax rates.

The process of amending the UGB is complex and requires cities to give forethought to where and how it will grow in alignment with Statewide Planning Goals and the City of Central Point's preferred future. This work is accomplished through the City's Comprehensive Plan, a long-term planning document that articulates the City's goals and policies for community development, such as housing, transportation infrasturcture, public facilities, etc. The Comprehensive Plan provides the basis for determining land needs in the UGB and also directs land use regulations that apply to properties within the city limits. 

The Central Point UGB was first established in 1983. Since that time the City has added land for employment purposes but the residential land supply has remained the same. Based on the current population forecast (Population Element) and analysis of Central Point's inventory (Land Use Element, Residential Buildable Lands Inventory) of housing relative to the community's housing needs (Housing Element), the City does not have a 20-year residential or non-industrial employment land supply. To accommodate forecast residential growth the City will generate additional needs for active and passive recreation (Parks Element). The proposed UGB Amendment is in response to these identified needs and includes: 305 acres for residential uses, and 54 acres for park land and 35 acres for non-industrial employment. 

Project Status

To become effective, the UGB Amendment must be approved by the City and County, then acknowledged by the State. The Major Comprehenive Plan Amendments have been considered by the City and the County through a duly noticed legislative process. The following summarizes the approved ordinancees and project status with supporting documents in the Supporting Documents section.

  • City Council Ordinance No. 2073 was approved on March 25, 2021. This Ordinance adopted the Major Comprehensive Plan amendment to expand the UGB and apply general land use designations. The Ordinance took effect thirty (30) days after it was signed (April 25, 2021).
  • Jackson County Board of Commissioners Ordinance No. 2021-1 was approved on May 12, 2021. The Board's Ordinance approved the Major Comprehensive Plan Amendment to expand Central Point's UGB. It took effect sixty (60) days from the date it was signed (July 12, 2021). 
  • City Council Ordinance No. 2077 was approved on June 24, 2021. This Ordinance revised UGB Amendment approved in Ordinance No. 2073 to align the City and County findings of fact, conclusions of law and record of proceedings. It took effect thirty (30) days after it was signed (July 24, 2021). 
  • The Urban Growth Boundary Management Agreement (UGBMA) was signed by both parties on September 22, 2021, completing the record. 
  • The Notice of the UGB Amendment was mailed on October 18, 2021. Anyone who participated in the proceedings who believes the UGB Amendment does not comply with the applicable regulations, may submit an objection to the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) until November 8, 2021. Instructions for filing objections are provided in the Notice of UGB Amendment provided in the Supporting Documents below. 
  • DLCD received one objection to the UGB Amendment and rendered a decision to approve the UGB Amendment on February 17, 2022. No appeals to DLCD's decision were filed. 

A complete copy of the record is available for viewing at the City of Central Point Community Development Department  located at 140 South 3rd Street in Central Point, Oregon. 

Contact Information

Stephanie Holtey, Planning Director Charles Bennett, Jackson Co. Planner III Josh LeBombard, DLCD Regional Representative
Phone: 541.664.3321 Phone: 541.774.6115 Phone: 541.414.7932
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