When does the council act by resolution?

Resolutions generally relate to municipal matters of a temporary or special concern. They are administrative in nature and often execute laws already in effect. Some common types are resolution stating the city’s intent to improve a street, sidewalk, waterline, etc.; adopting the budget; and submitting measures to the voters.

For more information regarding City Resolutions contact the City Recorder.

View Ordinances

Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments

A Resolution Electing to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds for Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 Through June 30, 2021

Thu 6/11/20 Link

A Resolution Scheduling Biennial Election of Central Point City Officers on November 3, 2020

Thu 5/14/20 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Ratifying the City Manager's Administrative Order Dated May 5, 2020 Declaring a Continuing Local State of Emergency in the City of Central Point as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic

Thu 5/14/20 Link

A Resolution Authorizing Budgeting for the Dennis Richardson Memorial in the 2021-2023 Fiscal Year Budget

Thu 5/14/20 Link

A Resolution Approving the July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021 Classification Pay Plan

Thu 5/14/20 Link

A Resolution Ratifying the General Services Collective Bargaining Agreement and Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Sign the Agreement

Thu 5/14/20 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Radifying the City Manager's Administrative Order Dated March 25, 2020 Declaring a Local State of Emergency in the City of Central Point as a Result of COVID-19 Pandemic

Thu 4/9/20 Link

A Resolution Authorizing the City of Central Point Parks and Recreation Department to Limit Hours of Operations for City Park Basketball, Tennis and Pickleball Courts from 7:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M. 

Thu 5/14/20 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Setting a Water Rate Adjustment Effective June 1, 2020.

Thu 4/9/20 Link

A Resolution to Annex 0.628 Acres, Located at 4475 Hamrick Road and Identified on the Jackson County Assessor's map as 37 2W 01CB, Tax Lot 1100. Applicant Rory White

Thu 4/9/20 Link

A Resolution Temporarily Closing City Hall to the Public

Mon 3/16/20 Link

A Resolution Temporarily Staying Enforcement of Default Utility Bills

Mon 3/16/20 Link

A Resolution Temporarily Cancel/Postpone NonEssential Public Meetings.

Mon 3/16/20 Link

A Resolution Approving a 2-year Extention of the Lease Agreement Between the City of Central Point and Freel & Associates, LLC covering the Premises Located at 650 East Pine Street

Thu 2/27/20 Link

A Resolution Accepting the Lowest Responsible Bid from Express Excavation, Inc. for the Flannagan Park Parking Lot Project and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract

Thu 2/13/20 Link

A Resolution Supporting a "No-Build Option" for a Proposed Interchanges at Vilas Road and the Rogue Valley Expressway. 

Thu 2/13/20 Link

A Resolution to Annex 3.44 Acres, Located at 3664 Grant Road and Identified on the Jackson County Assessor's map as 37 2W 10BC, Tax Lot 2200. Applicant: WL Moore Construction LLC.

Thu 2/13/20 Link

A Resolution Accepting a Deed of Dedication from School District 6 for Improvements on North Front Street Adjacent to the Makers Space and Directing the City Manager to Take Such Steps as May be required to complete the Dedication. 

Thu 1/9/20 Link

A Resolution Approving a SDC Reimbursement Agreement - Chicory Village and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute Agreement

Thu 12/12/19 Link

Resolution Approving a Jackson County Order to Initiate Formation of a Jackson County Law Enforcement Service District and Consenting to the Inclusion of City Territory within the Boundaries of the District (All Cities)

Thu 12/12/19 Link

Resolution Approving a Jackson County Order to Initiate Formation of a Jacskon County Law Enforcement Service District and Consenting to the Inclusion of City Territory within the Boundaries of the District (Excluding Talent)

Thu 12/12/19 Link

A Resolution Accepting the Lowest Responsible Bid from Pilot Rock Excavation, Inc. for the Rostel-Cedar Street Storm Drain Project and Authorizing the City manager to Execute a Contract

Thu 11/14/19 Link

A Resolution Consenting to Assignment of City of Central Point Telecommunications Franchise Agreement with Hunter Communications, Inc. and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Letter Reflecting Same

Thu 10/24/19 Link

A Resolution Declaring the City Council's Intent to Initiate an Amendment to the Central Point Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) and the Comprehensive Plan to Add Land from the City's Urban Reserve Areas (URAs) CP-2B, CP-3, CP-4D, and CP-6A for the City's 20 Year (2019-2039) Housing, Employement, Parks and Pbulic Facility Needs

Thu 10/10/19 Link

A Resolution Approving an Offer to Purchase Real Property Located South of West Pine Street Along Griffin Creek, Central Point, Jackson County Assessor's Map No. 372W10AC Tax Lot 1300 and Recommending Approval of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for Such Real Property

Thu 9/12/19 Link
