When does the council act by resolution?

Resolutions generally relate to municipal matters of a temporary or special concern. They are administrative in nature and often execute laws already in effect. Some common types are resolution stating the city’s intent to improve a street, sidewalk, waterline, etc.; adopting the budget; and submitting measures to the voters.

For more information regarding City Resolutions contact the City Recorder.

View Ordinances

Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Approving a 2019-21 Supplemental Budget

Thu 6/24/21 Link

Resolution Setting Preferential Parking District Fees and Fines

Thu 6/24/21 Link

A Resolution Declaring Certain Real Property Located on Old Military Road (Map No 372W08 TL 1900) Surplus and Authroizing an Invitation to Bid on the Purchase of Such Property

Thu 6/10/21 Link

A Resolution Recommending Adoption of an Agreement Between the City of Central Point and the Central Point Chamber of Commerce for Contract Operations of the City's Visitor Information Center

Thu 6/10/21 Link

A Resolution Accepting the Lowest Responsible Bidder for Jewett Waterline and Storm Drainline Project and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract

Thu 6/10/21 Link

A Resolution to Repeal and Replace Resoluton 1660 Increasing the Park Maintenance Fee

Thu 6/10/21 Link

A Resolution Extending Workers' Compensation Coverage to Volunteers of the City of Central Point.

Thu 6/10/21 Link

A Resolution Approving the Revised Management Compensation Plan and July 1, 2021  - June 30 2022 Classifiction Pay Plan

Thu 5/27/21 Link

A Resolution Ratifying the General Services Collective Bargaining Agreement and AUthorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Sign the Agreement

Thu 5/27/21 Link

A Resolution of the City Council of the city of Central Point Authorizing the Release and Termination of a Portion of a 10-Foot Wide Waterline Easement Created by Partition Plat No. P-72-2007

Thu 5/27/21 Link

A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Central Point Authorizing the City-Initiated Vacation of a Public Utility Easement over the Portion of the Public Alley and Amy Street Vacated by Ordinance No. 1837 on August 14, 2003.

Thu 4/22/21 Link

A Resolution to Increase the Street Utility Fee Effective July 1, 2021

Thu 4/22/21 Link

A Resolution to Increase the Park Maintenance Fee Effective  June 1, 2021.

Thu 4/22/21 Link

A Resolution Adopting the Cemetery Rules Governing the Central Point Cemetery

Thu 4/22/21 Link

A Resolution Approving the Qualified Based Selection Process for the Design and Construction Engineering from Dowl, Inc. and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract

Thu 3/25/21 Link

A Resolution Authorizing a Full Faith and Credit Borrowing and Related Matters 

Thu 3/11/21 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Approving a 2019-21 Supplemental Buget for the Receipt and Expenditure of Grant Funds

Thu 2/11/21

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Setting a Water Rate Adjustment Effective March 1, 2021.

Thu 2/11/21 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point, Oregon Granting a Non-Exclusive Franchise to Qwest Corporation D/B/A Centrury Link QC

Thu 1/14/21 Link

A Resolution Approving the 2021 Rules of the City Council and Code of Ethics

Thu 1/14/21 Link

A  Resolution Approving the Revised Management Compensation Plan and July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2021 Classification Pay Plan

Thu 1/14/21 Link

A Resolution by the City Council of Central Point Adopting the 2020 Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan

Thu 12/10/20 Link

A Resolution Canvassing the Votes Cast at the General Electdion Held November 3, 2020.

Thu 12/10/20 Link

A Resolution Approving the 2020 Water Master Plan

Thu 12/10/20 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Approving the Award of Emercency Small Business Assistance Grants. 

Thu 11/19/20 Link
