When does the council act by resolution?

Resolutions generally relate to municipal matters of a temporary or special concern. They are administrative in nature and often execute laws already in effect. Some common types are resolution stating the city’s intent to improve a street, sidewalk, waterline, etc.; adopting the budget; and submitting measures to the voters.

For more information regarding City Resolutions contact the City Recorder.

View Ordinances

Format: 2024
Resolution ID Title Adopted Date Attachments

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Setting Miscellaneous Water Fees and Street Light Fees.

Thu 4/9/15 Link

A Resolution Approving a Conceptual Land Use and Transportation Plan for CP-1B, An Urban Area of the City of Central Point, Oregon

Thu 3/12/15 Link

A Resolution to Adopt a Long Term Financial Plan for the City of Central Point.

Thu 2/26/15 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Setting Water Rates with Backflow Rate Option 0.

Thu 2/12/15 Link

A Resolution Adopting the 2015 Rules of the City Council and Code of Ethics.

Thu 2/12/15 Link

A Resolution Canvassing the Votes Cast at the General Election Held November 4, 2014

Thu 12/11/14 Link

A Resolution Approving the Conceptual Land Use and Transportation Plan for CP-4D, An Urban Area of the City of Central Point, Oregon

Thu 11/13/14 Link

A Resolution to Annex 1.01 Acres, Located at 4173 Hamrick Road and Identified on the Jackson County Assessor's Map as 372W01C, Tax Lot 3300. 

Thu 11/13/14 Link

A Resolution Recommending Adoption of an Agreement Between the City of Central Point and the Central Point Chamber of Commerce for Contract Operations of the City's Visitor Information Center. 

Thu 9/11/14 Link

A Resolution Recommending Adoption of an Agreement Between the City of Central Point and the Oregon State Department of Consumer and Business Services, Building Codes Division

Thu 9/11/14 Link

A Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Sign the Twin Creeks Crossing Project Letter of Understanding

Thu 9/11/14 Link

A Resolution Revising the Classification Pay Plan

Thu 8/14/14 Link

A Resolution Ratifying the General Services Collective Bargaining Agreement and Authorizing the Mayor and City Manager to Sign the Agreement

Thu 8/14/14 Link

A Resolution to Adopt Tax-Exempt Bond Post-Issuance Compliance Policies for the City of Central Point

Thu 8/14/14 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point, Oregon Authorizing Full Faith and Credit Borrowings to Refinance Outstanding Obligations for the City.

Thu 8/14/14 Link

A Resolution Adopting an Agreement Between Twin Creeks Development Co. LLC and the City of Central Point

Thu 7/24/14 Link

A Resolution Extending Workers Compensation Coverage to Volunteers of the City of Central Point

Thu 6/26/14 Link

A Resolution Scheduling Biennial Election of Central Point City Officers on November 4, 2014

Thu 6/26/14 Link

A Resolution Adopting General Procedures for Fiscal Year 2014-2015

Thu 6/26/14 Link

A Resolution Amending the Community Development Department Fee Schedules for Building Permit-Related Fees and Planning Fees

Thu 6/12/14 Link

A Resolution to Close the Housing Fund and Transfer Receivables to the General Fund.

Thu 6/12/14 Link

A Resolution recommending adoption of an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Central Point and Jackson County for Municipal Court Services and Appointing the Jackson County Justice of the Peace as the City of Central Point Municipal Judge. 

Thu 6/13/13 Link

A Resolution Authorizing Membership Warehouse Clubs as a Conditional Use in the M-1 Zoning District and Affirming the Planning Commission's Authorization of Such Use.

Thu 6/11/09 Link

A Resolution Approving an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Central Point and the City of Talent for Information Technology Support Services. 

Thu 6/23/16 Link

A Resolution of the City of Central Point Setting Inflationary Water Rate Adjustment.

Thu 12/10/15 Link
