Project Type:
Capital Project
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Monday, June 6, 2022

     This project will update the intersection of Pine and Hamrick, to improve traffic movements. A new acceleration lane is to be added westbound on Pine, for traffic southbound on Hamrick. A new signal will be installed as well. Pavement improvements will include grinding and paving back the asphalt on Hamrick south of Pine to past Knife River site.


Pine St and Hamrick Rd Improvement Project
The City of Central Point advertised an invitation to bid on May 16, 2022 for Pine and Hamrick
Intersection Improvements (the “ITB”) in the City of Central Point. The City of Central Point
determined that the successful bidder is LTM, Inc. dba Knife River. Jackson County will assume
the role of lead contracting agency for the project and intends to make an award pursuant to the
ITB to LTM, Inc. dba Knife River.
Any protest to this Notice of Intent to Award must be made in accordance with the Jackson
County Local Contract Review Board Rules and ORS 279B.410 within three days of the date of
this Notice of Intent to Award and submitted in writing to: Jackson County Public Contracting
Officer, Room 214, 10 S. Oakdale Ave., Medford, OR 97501. The outside of the envelope
containing the protest must be clearly marked "Protest of Intent to Award". The protest must
specify the grounds for the protest. Late protests will not be considered.
This Notice of Intent to Award is subject to execution of a written contract and, as a result, this
notice does NOT constitute the formation of a contract between Jackson County and the apparent
successful bidder. The bidder shall not acquire any legal or equitable rights relative to the
contract services until a contract containing terms and conditions acceptable to Jackson County
is executed. If the apparent successful bidder fails to execute a contract with Jackson County,
Jackson County may revoke the award and award the contract to the next highest ranked Bidder.
Jackson County further reserves the right to cancel this notice of intent to award at any time prior
to the execution of a written contract.
If any party has any questions related to this Notice of Intent to Award, please contact Mike
Kuntz at or 541-774-6228.

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