City Council Study Sessions begin at 6:00 pm. The Council does not take official action during these meetings, they are informational only. At times City Staff may look for direction after an item has been discussed with the Council. 

Study Sessions are subject to cancelation.  

Join Us in Person or on via Zoom

You are invited to attend the Study Session meeting in person or via Zoom. In person attendance is subject to CDC recommended public health measures that aim to prevent the spread of COVID-19. We hope you can join us to learn more about programs and projects impacting the community. 

To request a Zoom Link, please click here to register.

Individuals needing special accommodations such as sign language, foreign language interpreters or equipment for the hearing impaired must request such services at least 72 hours prior to the City Council meeting.  To make your request, please contact the City Recorder at 541-423-1015 (voice), or by e-mail

Si necesita traductor en español o servicios de discapacidades (ADA) para asistir a una junta publica de la ciudad por favor llame con 72 horas de anticipación al 541-664-3321 ext. 201