The 2024 Community Survey was conducted to gather residents' feedback on various aspects of living in Central Point. This survey provides critical insights into the community's satisfaction with current services, areas needing improvement, and priorities for future development. The survey results are essential for informing the City's strategic planning and decision-making processes. Additionally, this report compares the survey findings with the 2040 City of Central Point Strategic Plan to identify alignment and areas for potential strategic adjustments.

Critical Findings from the 2024 Community Survey

The survey received a total of 669 complete responses, offering a comprehensive snapshot of resident opinions.

Top Enjoyments of Living in Central Point:

Quiet neighborhoods (76.05%)
Small-town feel (78.89%)
Safety (67.07%)
Parks and open spaces (55.39%)
Scenery and environment (45.21%)

Satisfaction with City Qualities and Conditions:

Overall appearance of the City: 86.70% rated excellent or good.
Traffic flow on major streets: 61.29% rated excellent or good.
Cleanliness of public spaces: 84.31% rated excellent or good.
General feeling of safety: 82.33% rated excellent or good.
Quality of new development: 62.43% rated excellent or good.

Service Delivery Satisfaction:

Quality of customer service from City employees: 66.52% rated excellent or good.
Maintenance of City streets: 70.85% rated excellent or good.
Quality of community special events: 84.31% rated excellent or good.

Top Spending Priorities:

Police services (50.62%)
Road maintenance (36.99%)
Parks facilities (15.04%)

Top Areas of Emphasis for Transportation and Infrastructure:

Maintenance of major City streets (48.86%)
Maintenance of streets in neighborhoods (31.66%)
Communication with City Council/City Government
Code Enforcement Process

Comparison with the 2040 Strategic Plan:

The 2040 Strategic Plan outlines the City's long-term vision, mission, values, and strategic priorities. The plan focuses on community investment, engagement, culture, governance, and economic vibrancy. The following comparison highlights the alignment and gaps between the 2024 survey findings and the strategic plan.

Community Investment and Infrastructure:

Survey Insight: High priority on road maintenance and infrastructure.
Strategic Plan: Emphasizes infrastructure maintenance, development, and fiscal sustainability. Goals and strategies include prioritizing infrastructure projects, seeking grants, and partnering with telecom and utility companies.
Alignment: Both documents emphasize the importance of maintaining and improving infrastructure.

Community Engagement and Services:

Survey Insight: Residents value police services, parks, and community events.
Strategic Plan: Focuses on enhancing community engagement through recreation programs, special events, and public safety initiatives. Includes strategies for improving communication and service delivery.
Alignment: Strong correlation between the community's value on safety and the strategic plan's emphasis on community policing and engagement.

Economic Development:

Survey Insight: Economic development is a key priority.
Strategic Plan: Includes goals for attracting family-wage jobs, supporting local businesses, and fostering economic growth through strategic investments.
Alignment: The strategic plan's focus on economic vibrancy aligns with survey respondents' emphasis on economic development.

Community Culture and Identity:

Survey Insight: Small-town feel and community events are highly valued.
Strategic Plan: Aims to celebrate and enhance the unique identity and culture of Central Point through events and public art.
Alignment: The survey's emphasis on small-town feel and community events is well reflected in the strategic plan.


The 2024 Community Survey results indicate a high level of satisfaction with many aspects of living in Central Point, particularly safety, community events, and public spaces. The survey's findings align closely with the goals and strategies outlined in the 2040 Strategic Plan, demonstrating that the City is on the right track in addressing community needs and priorities. However, continuous improvement in areas such as infrastructure, economic development, and community engagement will be essential to achieving the long-term vision for Central Point.

The survey results and strategic plan will guide the City's efforts to ensure that Central Point remains a desirable place to live, work, and play while addressing the evolving needs of its residents.

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