Planning Commission Meeting

You are invited to particiapte in the Central Point Planning Commission meeting on May 5, 2020, which begins at 6:00 p.m. The meeting will be held in the City Council Chambers at 140 South Third Stret in Central Point. To protect public health and safety the meeting, you are encouraged to submit written comments prior to the close of the public hearing for the item(s) you'd like to speak to. If you'd like to attend in person, a computer kiosk will be located outside the City Council Chambers for public use. This computer will have a live feed to the meeting using an online application called Zoom. City staff will be available to provide assistance to assure you are able to participate in hearings and be invovled in the local decision making process. 

Public Hearings

There are two (2) public hearings scheduled for the May 5th meeting:

  • Public hearing to consider an 8-lot tentative subdivision plan on 7.01 acres at the southwest corner of Table Rock and Biddle Road (File SUB-20001); and,
  • Public hearing to consider a Comprehensive Plan and Zone Map Amendment on properties totaling 12.12 acres. The imapcted properties are currently planned and zoned C-2(M), Commercial Medical and the proposal amends the land use and zone to Civic and Low Density/Residential Single Family (R-1-6) (File CPA-19006). 

The meeting agenda and supporting documents for all business items provided below. If you have any questions or concerns about the schduled items or how to participate in the meeting, please contact the Community Development Department at (541) 664-3321.