Project ID: 
CUP-22002, SPAR-22007, VAR-22002
Project Type:
Land Use
Project Status: 
In Process
Date Received: 
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Oregon State Police Facility
4500 Rogue Valley Highway
Central Point, OR 97502

Application Summary

The applicant is requesting approval to complete an expansion of the existing building and improve circulation and access to the site. The project includes an approximately 24,340 square foot addition, an additional vehicle access and shared driveway approach along the northern property boundary, a pedestrian plaza and stormwater management  improvements along the front of the builidng. There are three (3) applications associated with the proposal, including:

  • A Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to expand the existing use, a public facility as determined by the Central Point Municipal Code and approved in 1995 (File No. CUP-22002); 
  • Site Plan and Architectural Review (SPAR) to construct the building addition, and access and circulation improvements, including establishing a share access along the northern property boundary, additional landscape areas, pedestrian access and stormwater management features (File No. SPAR-22007); and,
  • Class “C” Variance to increase the maximum front yard setback for the front of the buildng to be located approximately 33-feet from the front property line (File No. VAR-22002). .

The project site is 3.59 acres and is within the Employment Commercial (EC) zoning district in the Transite Oriented Development (TOD) District. The property is located at 4500 Rogue Valley Highway and is identifed on the Jackson County Assesor's Map as 37S 2W 03BD Tax Lot 900. Applicant: JE Dunn Construction (Kyle Behnlein) & DLR Group Architecture (Kent Larson); Agent: Richard Stevens & Associates, Inc. (Clark Stevens). 

Approval Criteria

Criteria for review of applications is established in, and review is subject to, standards in the Central Point Municipal Code (CPMC). The CPMC is available online at

Public Comments

The above referenced appliations are subject to Type III (Quasi-judicial) land use review procedures set forth in CPMC 17.05.400. Following a duly noticed public hearing on January 10, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., the Planning Commission will consider the applications based on their ability to meet the applicable approval criteria. The Planning Commission may render a decision to approve, approve with conditions or deny the applications.

Interested parties are invited to participate by providing written comments up to the close of the public hearing and/or providing oral testimony during the public hearing. This is an opportunity to raise issues and present evidence in support of or in opposition to the proposal. Any testimony and written comments about the decision described above will need to be related to the proposal and should be stated clearly to the Planning Commission with sufficient specificity for the Planning Commission to  respond to the issue(s) prior to the close of the final hearing. 

The City Planning Commission will meet in person in the Central Point City Council Chambers located at 140 South 3rd Street. Virtual participation is available upon request. To request an invitation to particpiate, please email no later than 4:00 p.m. on January 10th. 

For additional information or to send written comments concerning the applications, contact Justin Gindlesperger. Mailed comments may be sent to the following: 

City of Central Point
140 South 3rd Street
Central Point, OR  97502


Project Location and Zoning Map
Status Updates

11/30/2022 - Application accepted as complete.

12/21/2022 - Notice of Public Hearing mailed to property owners within 250-feet of the project perimeter and posted on the project site along Rogue Valley Highway. 

01/10/2023 - Public Hearing scheduled before the Planning Commission at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 140 S. 3rd Street in Central Point.. 

SUMMARY: At the hearing, the Planning Commission heard the staff report for the Conditional Use Permit, the Site Plan and Architectural Review and the Variance and received testimony from the applicant and interested parties. The Planning Commission approved the request by Resolution Nos. 901, 902, and 903.

01/12/2023 -  Notice of Decision mailed to the applicant and interested parties that provided testimony for the public hearing.

01/23/2023 - Appeals must be mailed or hand delivered to the Community Development Department by 4:00 p.m. The City's address is 140 South Third Street, Central Point, Oregon 97502. All appeals must be in written form consistent with the procedures set forth in Section 17.05.300(G) of the Central Point Municipal Code.