Project ID: 
Project Type:
Land Use
Project Status: 
In Process
Date Received: 
Monday, July 3, 2023

Project Summary

The Planning Commission will conduct a  public hearing and consider a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application to operate a 2,300 square foot restaurant with drive through facilities in a commercial shopping center located a the intersection of Table Rock and Biddle Road.  The 0.52 acre project site is located within the C-4 (Tourist and Office Professional) zoning district and is recorded as Lot 2 of the Table Rock Crossing Subdivision. It is identified on the Jackson County Assessor's Map as 37S 02W 01C, Tax Lot 703.

Applicant: Cypress Acquisitions (Contract Purchaser); Agent: CSA Planning, Ltd. (Jay Harland). 
Associated Files: CUP-23002, SPAR-23003

Public Hearing Information

All interested parties are invited to participate in the public hearing for the above mentioned application. The hearing will be conducted at the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers located at 140 South 3rd Street in Central Point, Oregon. Virtual participation is also available please email us to register for vitual attendance. We need your full name and mailing address to complete the registration. 

At the public hearing, the Planning Commission will hear the facts and evidence about the proposed use relative to the approval criteria in CPMC 17.76, Conditional Use Permits. After hearing the staff report, the Applicant and the public will have the opportunity to offer testimony in favor, opposition or neutral regarding the proposed use. At the conclusion of the hearing, the Planning Commission may vote to approve the application with or without conditions; or deny the applciation. The application is beinr processed using Quasi-judicial procedures, which are set forth in CPMC 17.05.400

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the application and/or decision making process and how you can get involved, you can email, call or visit us at City Hall. 

Phone: (541) 664-3321, Ext. 244


Status Updates

7/3/2023 - Application accepted as complete.


8/1/2023 - Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 140 S 3rd Street in Central Point, Oregon.