Planning Commission Meeting:

The Planning Commission is meeting on December 6, 2022 to consider four (4) items:

  1. Public Hearing and consideration of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment updating the Transportation System Plan (TSP) (File No. CPA-22001);
  2. Public Hearing and consideration of a two (2) parcel Tentative Partition Plan and lot consolidation at 3791 Table Rock Road. (File No. PAR-22001). 

    Note: There is a Revised Staff Report dated December 6, 2022, Revised Attachment "B" (Applicant's Annotated Findings), Attachment G (Resolution No. 898), and Attachment "H" (Trip Generation Analysis dated 11/21/2022). See Supporting Documents section below. 

  3. Public Hearing and consideration of a Site Plan and Architectural Review to develop a warehouse and ground distribution facility known as "Project Murphy" on land located at 3791 Table Rock Road. (File No. SPAR-22006).

    Note: There is a Revised Staff Report dated December 6, 2022, Revised Attachment "B" (Applicant's Annotated Findings), Attachment F (Resolution No. 899), Attachment "G" (Parking Demand Analysis dated 11/10/2022Attachment, and "H" (Trip Generation Analysis dated 11/21/2022). See Supporting Documents section below. 

  4. Public Hearing and consideration of a Floodplain Development Permit to restore Horn Creek's channel (FP-22001)

A limited number of hard copies will be available at the meeting.